Pop/Rock Ensemble

Want to Join our Band?

Preforming in a pop/rock band requires much more than just knowing how to play your instrument. It requires creativity, the ability to listen and understand what else is going on in the song, and being prepared to execute your part when the time comes. We will focus on song arrangement (For a few popular tunes), creative part writing, how to prepare for a band session and using your ear to know where your instrument fits in. The results of putting in the work to play in a band are outstanding. Pop music connects with people in so many different ways on a daily basis. It’s very fun and rewarding to play a part in a performance that gets the audience pumped up. The most rewarding thing about preforming live shows is the energy and interaction with the crowd. We’re going to have a blast putting our own spin on a songs that we all love.

Pop/Rock Ensemble

  • Rehearsals: 7 rehearsals from January-April
  • Time: TBA
  • Location: TBA
  • Detailed Schedule: TBA
  • Group Concert: TBA
  • Tuition: $365
  • Who? Drums, guitar, bass, vocal, piano/organ
  • Auditions: pre-recorded audition
Let’s Rock!